We also offer a wide range of home and land packages in popular estates close to schools, shops and amenities with public transport in mind. Quality suppliers and products are always used on every Lindsay Home and all come with warranties and Guarantees in place.
With over 20 years’ experience in the building industry, the owner and Builder of Lindsay Homes has refined his techniques and trade base to deliver brand new quality homes at very affordable prices.
Lindsay Homes has a reputation for quality and service and has built an extremely loyal skilled labour and trade base that always delivers on its promises.

Our ability to work collaboratively with specialists & industry leaders enables us to deliver new homes with high performing and safe facilities. We also combine this with a strong focus on exceeding expectations in safety, community relations, efficiency and especially environmental responsibilities, all the while having a strong Workplace Health & Safety schedule in place.
Our Home Designs
Well designed homes to suit everyone’s budget.
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For more information about our homes.